Sunday, February 26, 2012


GLITTER HORSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If u find any more, comment them =D
Adopt one today!
<---(R thy DANCING?!?!?!)<---(yes I am... The only problem is that I'M ALONE!!!)Image<---(PAC-MAN!!!!! COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)<---(NOO!!!! THE OLD LONELY CAT LADY (aka- Alexxi or Arexxi) WILL KILL ME IF YOU FLUSH YOURSELF DOWN THE TOLITE!!!)
<---(Yes, hunter-- DRINK THE PIRATE JUICE!)
Adopt one today!

Theis mine.  are good. , so I guss music is good, too.
<---(We all have ours. Mine just happens 2 B better than urs!!! lol, XD [I <3 u, Arexxi!!])<---(HOW DARE U SAT THT!! IT'S ONLY 'CUZ IT'S TRUE!!!! AND U NO IT IZ!!!!!!!!)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

<--(I don't but I DO know some people that proabally DO!![Us, Dsz, O zrsm I!!)
<---(Hades ya!!)
<---(Sounds like Sam... But he ALLWAYS has a pen, so he wouldn't need to borow some1 else's)

<---(See, Alexxi! Even the ICON thinks that you need to stop yelling that at my besroom light shwitch. All you need to do is TAP IT THEN LET GO!!!)
Reading is a sixth sense Pictures, Images and PhotosThe more people I meet the more I like my cat avatar<---(But I dont HAVE a cat!!!)<---(YES!!! YES I CAN!!!)